Τρίτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2012

32%... λένε

100 - 32 = 68.  Καλά... θα ψάξω να βρω τις αναρτήσεις όπου έλεγα "τι 25 και 50%... 70% πρέπει να είναι"... Πάλι έξω έπεσα, χαχαχάαα.


"Of course, with Greece now a purely bankruptcy play, we expect various ad hoc splinter "committees" to emerge, coupled with an equity committee as well (yes yes, we jest [αστειυόμαστε, λέει, αλλά έχουμε equity committee είναι ο Ράϊχεμπαχ με τον Φούχτεν]). Bloomberg reports also that Richards is "highly confident" a deal will get done. Nonetheless, the Marathon CEO expects Greece won’t make the €14.5 billion ($18.5billion) bond repayment scheduled for March 20. However, he does see a deal with creditors to be in place before then. For now the Greek government has declined to comment. We fully expect the IIF's Dalara to hit the airwaves shortly and to make it all too clear that the implied 68% haircut is sheer lunacy. Naturally, should this deal come to happen, we can't possibly see how Portugal, Spain or Italy would then sabotage their economies just so they too can enjoy 68% NPV haircuts on their bonds. Finally, even if Marathon likes the deal, all it takes is for one hedge fund hold out to necessitate the application of Collective Action Clauses which would blow the deal apart, create a two-tiered market, and effectively create the perception that the deal was coercive.


Βασικά δεν τελειώνει η όπερα, αν δεν τραγουδήσει η χοντρή κυρία (και δεν αναφέρομαι σε Έλληνα Υπουργό). 

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