Κυριακή 20 Μαΐου 2012

So... You all want us in the Eurozone... No problem...

So, you all want us Greeks in the Euro zone... with growth, no less... No sweat, but there are some issues.

The Euro zone, Messieurs les Présidents, is a one-way mercantilist street and the cross-border figures show it. Germany, and to a lesser extent two or three countries have made rules designed to foster their exports to their euro-"partners", often using bizarre euro-laws and euro-rules nobody voted for (the euro-parliament is not my parliament, nor is my representation there meaningful, nor do I have any interest in delegating control to non elected officials I have never heard of, each with their own trade agenda.

To make matters worse, the mercantilist goals have been accomplished though less than transparent local central bank policies, and bribes. Pumping money to aborigines, not to foster local growth, but to promote and sustain local consumption of mostly German (and French) products. Perhaps more meaningful to US sensitivities, the Franco-German relation with their Greek "partner" has been a blatant case of foreign corrupt practices. Non-stop bribing, the tip of which has been documented in German courts. Greece's business, media, and political structure since at least 1985, some say, prior to 1985, has been made in, and controlled and financed by Germany (and to a lesser extent France), all serving and leading to our current predicament.

 This nasty aspect is not new to us, but the foreign "influence" has not been for some grand geopolitical or anti-soviet cold-war purpose, but simply for mercantilist (Franco-German) gains. We have been bribed and subsidized to discontinue all local economic activity -- unless it suits our masters. We may be failing as a state, but it has been with a lot of help from our "partners".

 Now let's talk about the euro zone and our growth.

 We have more debt that can possibly by serviced. Such debt has been incurred though biased and often corrupt practices. The restructuring of such debt should recognize the simple reality that it has been incurred to provide trade surpluses to those who imposed the biased and corrupt practices. THEY should write it off, plain and simple, albeit it unpalatable. Not replace it with more expensive and secured, or mortgaged debt, which only inflames our fiscal position, never mind our national sensitivities. We strongly resent having been cajoled, coerced, or bribed to incur debts to consume imported German goods, which we are now asked to pay off with real assets or utilities. We were bribed to import paint for the house, and we are now asked to hand over the house. A weird deal...

 If we are to stay in the euro zone, additional euro financing should be made available, not to encourage more bogus German and French imports but to provide interim financing for whatever the next phase is. Local growth can only be accomplished with a locally reasonable tax system and local initiative. If new euro-financing is not acceptable to our euro-partners, and I doubt it is acceptable, our only choice is, regrettably, unilateral actions, and pursuit of other alternatives. This has nothing to do with an anti-West or an anti-free trade approach. Any US State or French province would feel the same way were they to be in our predicament.

10 σχόλια:

  1. o archaeopteryx (ένας από όλους) το έγραψε... Λες να το διαβάσει κανείς;

  2. Αυτές που θέλουν να μείνει η Ελλάδα στην Ευρωζώνη (μη χέσω!) καθότι αγάμητες και άκληρες παίζουν χαρωπά παιχνιδάκια αναμεταξύ τους:

    TERRA NULLIUS - Η Ευρώπη του Παραλόγου

    Ένα σωστό κείμενο (όσο απλουστευτικό κι αν είναι) σε ένα λάθος έντυπο (και σάιτ)

  3. «Η Ελλάδα δεν πρέπει να βγει από το ευρώ, πρέπει να αναθεωρηθούν οι συνθήκες... Το 1953, η Ελλάδα, μαζί με όλες τις άλλες χώρες, υπέγραψε τη συνθήκη αναδιάρθρωσης του γερμανικού χρέους. Τι άλλαξε από τότε; Αυτή η λογική ίσως θα μπορούσε να εφαρμοσθεί με χρήσιμο τρόπο και για την Ελλάδα».

    Να γίνει στην Ελλάδα ό,τι στη Γερμανία το 1953, λέει ο Ιταλός πρώην ΥΠΟΙΚ, ΤΖΟΥΛΙΟ ΤΡΕΜΟΝΤΙ

  4. Dear Archaepteryx,

    We live in a big world with small national states and growing interdependencies. A state of affairs that realy favors none more than others but where American naval power, Hollywood/Media savy and Wall Street leadership are special. You can think of them as the three pilars of Globalization. Or, think of Globalization as the American Empire (in disguise). Does not matter.

    Fact is, there is no "national" Europe in the post WWII architecture, never was never will be. Germany is at best just a large American satrapy. France, less so. All compete and collaborate(and Uncle Sam is always there).

    None is more special than Greece. Greece is the Master of History, the Ruler of the Seas. Of the 1300 super tankers of the world, 800 are Greek! But Grece needs to compete with its European partners. She needs good governance, improved administration, new hope and trust in leadership (and I agree with you, realistic energy, affordable energy to fuel growth long-term).

    I recognize there is a lot to be unhappy about, million unemployed, people in despair, the evaporation of 20% of GDP, all terrible things.

    Last summer I met with Angela right here in the DC, had a very good discussion, we both agreed that things had to be changed.

    Some think we are tardy. And, they are right. As I emphasized to our partners yesterday, austerity is no longer an option. We all must work together and work faster on new three directions: economic growth, social inclusiveness and fiscal responcibility. No one element can be achieved without the other. All must be pursued simultaneously in Europe. And be pursued fast. We have no time to loose.

    Greece is the weatherbell of History, we are all Greeks in so many important ways. Isn't outs the latest Hellenistic civilization of History?

    And a new and historic first is coming out of Greece again. I have invited Alexis to come and join me for an informal meeting.

    We have a lot to discuss, but what I am particularly interested in is the question of the day that Alexis has brought forward: Democray or Finance?

    God bless you dear friend.


    The President

  5. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  6. Διώξτε τους φόβους σας.
    Τι έχετε παραπάνω να χάσετε; Τις καταθέσεις σας; Τις μετοχές σας;
    Σε λίγο αν δεν σας πάρει το σπίτι η τράπεζα θα το πάρει η εφορία.
    (του "Ελληνικού κράτους", μην το ξεχνάμε)

    Τα παιδιά μας φεύγουν στο εξωτερικό. Φρέσκο κρέας, νέο επιστημονικό προλεταριάτο.

    Χαρείτε ρε. Τι σας χρωστάνε; Κάντε τους να βραχυκυκλώσουν. Μετά βγάλτε τους απ' την πρίζα!

    Ποια Ελλάδα ρε γμτ; H DDR λίγο μετά την πτώση του τείχους είμαστε. Αυτοί τουλάχιστον δεν το' ξεραν.
    Εσείς τόσα χρόνια δεν το μάθατε;

  7. Dear Archaeopteryx,

    Thank you for your postings which I read with interest.

    We live in a big world with small national states and growing interdependence. A state of affairs that in principle should favor none more than others but where American naval power, Hollywood savvy and Wall Street leadership are kind of special. Some think of them as the three pillars of Globalization. Others think of Globalization as the American Empire (in disguise). Does not matter.

    Fact is, there is no "national" Europe in the post WWII architecture, never was never will be. Germany is just a big American Satrapy. France, less so. All compete and collaborate(and Uncle Sam is always there).

    None is more special than Greece. Greece is the Master of History, the Ruler of the Seas. Of the 1300 super tankers of the world, 800 are Greek! But Greece needs to compete with its European partners. She needs good governance, improved administration, new hope and trust in leadership (and I agree with you, realistic energy, affordable energy to fuel growth long-term).

    I recognize there is a lot to be unhappy about, million unemployed, people in despair, the evaporation of 20% of GDP, all terrible things.

    Last summer I met with Angela right here in the DC, had a very good discussion, we both agreed that things had to be changed.

    Some think we are tardy. And, they are right. As I emphasized to our partners yesterday, austerity is no longer an option. We all must work together and work faster on new three directions: economic growth, social inclusiveness and fiscal responsibility. No one element can be achieved without the other. All must be pursued simultaneously in Europe. And be pursued fast. We have no time to loose.

    Greece is the forerunner of History, we are all Greeks in so many important ways. Isn't outs the latest Hellenistic civilization of History?

    And a new and historic first is coming out of Greece again. I have invited Alexis to come and join me for an informal meeting.

    We have a lot to discuss, but what I am particularly interested in is the question of the day that Alexis has brought forward: Democracy or Finance?

    God bless you dear friend.

    The President

  8. αυτοί σίγουρα θέλουν .. εμείς μπορούμε με τέτοια λαμογια που μας κυβερνούν (τύπου Παπαδημος ,ΓΑΠ , Αντωνάκης , Πικραμένος ) χιχχι μην τρελαθούμε
