Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2013


"...A reported Israeli airstrike into Syria on either May 2 or May 3 is another spillover effect of the country's ongoing civil war. Details are still scarce on the alleged strike, with U.S. officials reporting somewhat contradictory information to different news outlets, but the primary target of the strike is believed to have been a weapons shipment to Hezbollah, likely in transit..."

Το ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι χτες έγραφε το Foreign Policy: Top news: Opposition groups say at least 50 people were killed when Syrian government forces stormed the coastal town of Baida on Thursday. The raid came in response to a rebel attack on a bus carrying pro-Assad militiamen. Pro-Assad forces appear to have made substantial gains in recent weeks, recapturing suburban areas outside Damascus and territory around Homs.

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel acknowledged in a joint appearance with British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond that arming the rebel forces was "an option," but both officials said evidence of chemical weapons use by the Syrian government was not yet sufficient to trigger an international response.

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