Πέμπτη 10 Απριλίου 2014

Ευρωσκεπτικισμός και πολιτική σαλαμοποίηση

...Is it possible for us to make a distinction, in terms of this reaction to the European project, between those that are Euroskeptical but nonetheless responsible to the standards of civilized behavior versus those that we see that are assuming the colors of neo-fascism, with anti-Semitism and even violence against minorities as in Greece and other places -- can you explain that distinction, or amplify it?

...We have to keep in mind that not all these parties are the same, and not all these parties have exactly the same view on issues such as immigration or economic integration. And as you said, we have seen parties that are more closely connected to violence and to actually having gangs on the street beating up immigrants, we've seen that in Hungary a couple of years ago, we saw that in Greece a couple of years ago...

...what we are already seeing, and this is something that Stratfor identified a long time ago, is a process of political fragmentation in the European Union.

We said a long time ago that the crisis was no longer a financial crisis or a debt crisis, but a political crisis that is threatening the foundations of the European Union. First there was a clear divide between members of the eurozone and countries that were not members of the eurozone, but now we are also seeing internal division within those blocs. We see a northern bloc doing its own thing, we see Mediterranean Europe reacting to that, we see countries such as the United Kingdom saying, "Well, maybe this process of integration has gone too far." And we see countries like Hungary saying, "Well, national economies are still national economies and the European Union cannot take away more sovereignty from us." So we are in the middle of a process of political fragmentation that will only get deeper as time goes by....

Η οικονομική και πολιτική κρίση στην Ευρώπη ξεκίνησε επειδή όλα τα ζώα είναι ίδια, αλλά μερικά πιο ίδια από τα άλλα, και εκμεταλλεύτηκαν την φτώχεια και την κακομοιριά μερικών για συγκριτικά πλονεκτήματα και εμπορικά πλεονάσματα. Συλλογή τέως αυτοκρατοριών, επιδρομέων, πειρατών και ζητιάνων. Και οι ζητιάνοι είναι υπό έλεγχο με τις ελεημοσύνες και με την μεταξύ τους φαγωμάρα (και την σαλαμοποίηση).

Όσο για την στοχοποίηση μειονοτήτων... Πείτε μου ότι δεν είναι και αυτή καλλιεργημένη. Μοχλός για μελλοντική χρήση.

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