Πέμπτη 21 Μαΐου 2015

Σκάκι με ζωντανά πιόνια στην Συρία

...The Islamic State now threatens the Syrian government's core territory, which stretches from Damascus to Aleppo. Finding the forces needed to contain this threat will be difficult, since the territory in question is vast and covers different types of terrain. Instead, it is likely that the government will try to take the fight to Islamic State forces stationed in Palmyra, if not to recapture the city then to pin the group down in a single location and keep it from spreading to other strongholds. Either way, any action al Assad takes in response to the Islamic State's success in Homs will expose Damascus on other fronts.

Θυμάστε την Βόλτα στην Συρία? Φαντάσου να βγει η ...Περσία στην θάλασσα

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